Educational and General Programs (10000) | $205,408,100 $211,519,561 | $205,408,100 $224,347,013 |
Higher Education Instruction (100101) | FY2009 $120,540,561 $124,714,474 | FY2010 $120,540,561 $130,523,011 |
Higher Education Research (100102) | FY2009 $322,538 $348,617 | FY2010 $322,538 $351,774 |
Higher Education Public Services (100103) | FY2009 $868,559 $872,852 | FY2010 $868,559 $878,504 |
Higher Education Academic Support (100104) | FY2009 $23,052,078 $23,537,174 | FY2010 $23,052,078 $24,784,003 |
Higher Education Student Services (100105) | FY2009 $9,545,870 $9,726,570 | FY2010 $9,545,870 $10,698,921 |
Higher Education Institutional Support (100106) | FY2009 $29,109,906 $29,692,015 | FY2010 $29,109,906 $31,881,602 |
Operation and Maintenance of Plant (100107) | FY2009 $21,968,588 $22,627,859 | FY2010 $21,968,588 $25,229,198 |
Fund Sources: | | |
General | FY2009 $77,821,713 | FY2010 $77,821,713 $78,821,713 |
Higher Education Operating | FY2009 $126,336,957 $132,448,418 | FY2010 $126,336,957 $144,275,870 |
Debt Service | FY2009 $1,249,430 | FY2010 $1,249,430 |