2008 Session

Budget Bill - HB29 (Introduced)

Department of Health

Item 286

Item 286 (Not set out)

First Year - FY2007Second Year - FY2008
Emergency Medical Services (40200)$28,384,800$30,109,800
Financial Assistance for Non Profit Emergency Medical Services Organizations and Localities (40203)FY2007 $23,160,808FY2008 $24,885,808
State Office of Emergency Medical Services (40204)FY2007 $2,538,678FY2008 $2,538,678
Regional Emergency Medical Services Councils (40205)FY2007 $2,685,314FY2008 $2,685,314
Fund Sources:  
GeneralFY2007 $1,884,877FY2008 $1,884,877
SpecialFY2007 $13,625,162FY2008 $14,487,662
Dedicated Special RevenueFY2007 $12,469,178FY2008 $13,331,678
Federal TrustFY2007 $405,583FY2008 $405,583

Authority: §§ 32.1-111.1 through 32.1-111.16, 32.1-116.1 through 32.1-116.3, and 46.2-694 A 13, Code of Virginia.

A. Out of this appropriation, $25,000 each year shall be provided from special funds to the Department of State Police for administration of criminal history record information for local volunteer fire and rescue squad personnel (pursuant to § 19.2-389 A 11, Code of Virginia).

B. Distributions made under § 46.2-694 A 13 b (iii), Code of Virginia, shall be made only to nonprofit emergency medical services organizations.

C. Out of this appropriation, $1,045,375 the first year and $1,045,375 the second year from the Rescue Squad Assistance Fund shall be provided to the Department of State Police for aviation (med-flight) operations.

D.  Out of this appropriation, $1,884,877 the first year and $1,884,877 the second year from the general fund shall be provided to the Virginia Trauma Fund to recognize uncompensated care losses, including readiness costs and clinical services, incurred by providing care to uninsured patients by Virginia hospitals with trauma centers.  The Virginia Department of Health, in consultation with the Trauma System Oversight and Management Committee, shall (i) review the criteria used to distribute funding to the trauma centers, (ii) make refinements as necessary to encourage existing trauma centers to upgrade their trauma designation, and (iii) assess whether this additional general fund support can be used as matching funds to maximize federal Medicaid revenues.  The Department shall report on the use of these funds in improving Virginia's trauma system to the Governor and the Chairmen of the House Appropriations and Senate Finance Committees by December 1 of each year.