2006 2

Budget Bill - HB5002 (Introduced)

Item 302 Amendments

First Year - FY2007Second Year - FY2008
Committee Approved
302#1hDay Support Waiver to Include Supported Employment (Language Only)
302#2hKidney Disease Testing (Language Only)
302#3hReview MR Waiver Program (Language Only)
302#4hIncrease Medicaid Pediatric Payment Rates$7,711,502$8,188,074
302#5hIncrease Medicaid Payments for Personal Care$0$8,569,410
302#6hMedicaid Specialty Drug Program (Language Only)
302#7hReduce Medicare Part D "Clawback" Payment-$16,123,099-$16,123,099
302#8hAuthority to Comply with Federal Medicaid Law Changes (Language Only)
302#9hEliminate Obesity Pilot Project-$382,000-$382,000
302#9hMR Waiver Inclusion of Applied Behavioral Analysis (Language Only)
302#10hEliminate Increase in Hospital Payment Adjustment Factor-$7,539,508-$8,386,126
302#11hMedicaid Reimbursement for Skilled Nursing Services$1,444,354$1,531,014
Conference Report
302#1cKidney Disease Testing (Language Only)
302#2cMedicaid Specialty Drug Program (Language Only)
302#3cRevise Day Support Waiver to Include Supported Employment (Language Only)
302#4cEliminate Transfer to Uninsured Medical Catastrophe Fund (Language Only)
302#5cAuthority to Comply with Federal Medicaid Law Changes (Language Only)
302#6cReview MR Waiver Program (Language Only)
302#7cMR Waiver Inclusion of Applied Behavioral Analysis (Language Only)
302#8cBiennial Rebasing for Nursing Homes (Language Only)
302#9cIncrease Medicaid Payments for Personal Care$0$5,141,646
302#10cReduce Medicare Part D "Clawback" Payment-$19,905,445-$21,314,412
302#11cEliminate Obesity Pilot Project-$382,000-$382,000
302#12cMedicaid Reimbursement for Skilled Nursing Services$1,444,354$1,531,014
302#13cAdjust Appropriation for Tobacco Tax Shortfall (Language Only)
302#14cAuthority to Implement Pymt. Chgs. for Nursing Homes (Language Only)
302#15cTransfer Funds & Add New MR Waiver Slots$14,986,330$26,920,540
302#16cIncrease Personal Maintenance Allowance$500,000$500,000
302#17cTransfer Funds & Language for MR Waiver Rate Increase$34,710,014$34,710,014
302#18cMedicaid Buy-In Program$340,572$925,304
302#19cIncrease DD Waiver Slots$1,312,418$2,061,930
302#20cMedicaid Impact - Increase Auxiliary Grant Payment$0$2,033,780
302#21cPACE Program and Start-up Costs$1,500,000$0
302#22cIncrease Medicaid Pediatric Service Rates$7,007,716$14,476,610
302#23cMedicaid Family Planning Waiver$145,000-$5,007,334
302#24cAuth. to Implement Pymt. Chgs. for Hospital Services (Language Only)