2006 2

Budget Bill - HB5002 (Introduced)

Item 135 Amendments

First Year - FY2007Second Year - FY2008
Committee Approved
135#1hCareer and Vocational Education Equipment Funding$300,000$300,000
135#2hSchool Nurses (Language Only)
135#3hCorrection to K-3 Calculation and Census Update-$43,869-$121,881
135#4hTuition Assistance Grant for Disabled Students (Language Only)
135#5hReporting of State and Local Expenditures (Language Only)
135#6hClarify Triennial Census Language (Language Only)
135#7hLeadership Development Grant Language (Language Only)
135#8hFederal Revenue Deduction - Phase out LWA cap-$1,987,200-$3,874,396
135#9hFederal Revenue Calculation Correction$859,280$864,278
135#10hSchool Breakfast Reduction for Lower Participation-$560,000-$560,000
135#11hRetiree Health Care Credit from $2.50/mo up to $4.00/mo$7,803,046$7,966,277
135#12hIndustry Certification - Savings for Lower Reimbursements-$100,000-$100,000
135#13hEliminate New General Fund Allocation for the Hard-to-Staff Schools-$3,676,026-$2,396,974
135#14hRegional Alternative Education Programs (Language Only)
135#15hTeacher Pay Raise Effective January 1, 2007-$8,667,503$0
135#16hAdvanced Placement Testing Fees-$1,935,731-$2,436,291
Conference Report
135#1cCareer and Vocational Education Equipment$300,000$300,000
135#2cSchool Nurses (Language Only)
135#3cCorrection to K-3 Calculation and Census Update-$43,869-$121,881
135#4cReporting of State and Local Expenditures (Language Only)
135#5cClarify Triennial Census Language (Language Only)
135#6cLeadership Development Grant Language (Language Only)
135#7cFederal Revenue Calculation Correction$859,280$864,278
135#8cSchool Breakfast Reduction for Lower Participation-$280,000-$280,000
135#9cIndustry Certification - Savings for Lower Reimbursements-$100,000-$100,000
135#10cReduce new GF allocation for the Hard-to-Staff Schools-$2,062,114-$1,752,599
135#11cRegional Alternative Education Programs (Language Only)
135#12cAdvanced Placement Testing Fees-$1,935,731-$2,436,291
135#13cTeacher Mentor and Teacher Corps-$900,000-$450,000
135#14cTechnical Workgroup Language (Language Only)
135#15cInflation Adjustment-$16,800,578-$16,913,757
135#16cLiterary Fund (Language Only)
135#17cAdditional 1% Salary Increase for Teachers$14,410,835$25,241,887
135#18cVRS Rate - Reduce Amortization Period$0$27,938,340
135#19cAt-Risk Preschool at $5,700 Per Student$3,272,189$3,302,760
135#20cBegin to Extend COCA to Match the Washington DC MSA$1,314,256$3,417,516
135#21cK-3 Update for Changes to VRS, GL, RHCC Rates and COCA-$170,971$579,020