2006 Special Session I

Budget Bill - HB5012 (Chapter 2)

Department of General Services

Item 77

Item 77

First Year - FY2005Second Year - FY2006
Physical Plant Acquisition and Construction (72700)$1,026,207$1,026,207
Acquisition (72701)FY2005 $1,026,207FY2006 $1,026,207
Fund Sources:  
GeneralFY2005 $890,771FY2006 $890,771
SpecialFY2005 $135,436FY2006 $135,436

Authority: Title 2.2, Chapter 11, Article 4, Code of Virginia.

A. The Physical Plant Acquisition and Construction program includes an internal service fund to support the Bureau of Capital Outlay Management. This internal service fund shall consist of the fees imposed upon state agencies and institutions of higher education for the review of capital outlay projects' architectural, mechanical, and life safety plans. The estimated total amount to be collected by this fund is $2,513,386 in the first year and $2,513,386 in the second year.

B. Under the internal service fund, the Department of General Services shall review 85 percent of all capital outlay projects within 14 calendar days, 95 percent within 21 calendar days, and 100 percent within 28 days of submission. The Department of General Services also shall work with its client agencies and institutions to develop estimated budgetary standards for the hours and associated costs of review that will be required for different project types.

C. In administering this internal service fund, the Department of General Services may dedicate a full-time position to conduct fire and life safety code reviews for any institution of higher education that generates a high volume of capital outlay projects on a routine basis. This dedicated reviewer shall report to the Director of the Bureau of Capital Outlay Management but may be located at the institution of higher education. The cost of the dedicated reviewer shall be borne by the higher education institution.

D.1. The Physical Plant Acquisition and Construction program includes an internal service fund to support a program of Real Estate Services. This internal service fund may include rent payment or fees to be paid by state agencies and institutions for their occupancy of facilities and for the agency's management of real property transactions, including, but not necessarily limited to, leases of non-state owned office space throughout the Commonwealth for use by such agencies and institutions. In implementing the program, the department may utilize brokerage services, portfolio management strategies, personnel policies, and compensation practices generally consistent with prevailing industry best practices. The Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission shall review this program as provided in § 2.2-1101 of the Code.

2. The department shall report its progress in imp1ementing this program to the Governor and the chairmen of the Senate Finance and House Appropriations Committees by November 1, 2006. This Item includes a sum sufficient appropriation for the specific and limited, purposes set forth in this subparagraph D.