2006 Special Session I

Budget Bill - HB5012 (Chapter 2)

Virginia College Savings Plan

Item 521

Item 521

First Year - FY2005Second Year - FY2006
Investment, Trust, and Insurance Services (72500)sum sufficient
Fund Sources:  

Authority: Title 23, Chapter 4.9, Code of Virginia.

A. Amounts for Investment Services cover variable or unpredictable costs of the Virginia Prepaid Education Program, estimated at $2,261,466 the first year and $2,477,045 the second year, to be funded from nongeneral funds pursuant to § 23-38.76, Code of Virginia.

B. Amounts for Trust Services cover variable and unpredictable costs of the Virginia Education Savings Trust, estimated at $2,595,534 the first year and $2,816,900 the second year, to be funded from nongeneral funds pursuant to § 23-38.76, Code of Virginia.

C. Amounts for Payments to Institutions of Higher Education represent the payment of benefits to postsecondary educational institutions on behalf of program participants, estimated at $35,000,000 the first year and $50,000,000 the second year, to be funded from nongeneral funds pursuant to § 23-38.76, Code of Virginia.

D. Amounts for Payments to Institutions of Higher Education cover the current obligations of the Fund as provided for in Title 23, Chapter 4.9, Code of Virginia (§ 23-38.78 B), as amended.

E. The Virginia College Savings Plan is authorized to establish a self-supporting “operational enterprise" fund to account for the revenues and expenditures of providing services to other college savings programs operated under § 529 of the Internal Revenue Code, as amended, at locations outside the Commonwealth of Virginia. Consistent with the self-supporting concept of an “enterprise fund," revenues from operations performed for programs outside Virginia shall exceed all direct and indirect costs of providing these services. The Board shall set rates charged to meet this requirement and shall set other policies as may be appropriate. Revenues and expenses of the fund shall be accounted for in such a manner as to be auditable by the Auditor of Public Accounts. Revenues in excess of expenses shall be retained in the fund to support the entire program. Additionally, revenues that remain unexpended on the last day of the previous biennium and the last day of the first year of the current biennium shall be reappropriated and allotted for expenditure in the respective succeeding fiscal year.