2006 Special Session I

Budget Bill - HB5012 (Chapter 2)

Department of State Police

Item 457

Item 457

First Year - FY2005Second Year - FY2006
Ground Transportation System Safety (60500)$17,398,644$17,508,644
Vehicle Safety Regulation (60505)FY2005 $17,398,644FY2006 $17,508,644
Fund Sources:  
GeneralFY2005 $0FY2006 $110,000
SpecialFY2005 $13,149,195FY2006 $13,149,195
Federal TrustFY2005 $4,249,449FY2006 $4,249,449

Authority: §§ 46.2-1157 through 46.2-1187, 52-4, 52-4.2 and 52-8.4, Code of Virginia.

A.  In the event that special fund revenues for this Item exceed expenditures, the balance of such revenues may be used for air medical evacuation equipment improvements or for motor vehicle replacement.

B.1. Included in this appropriation is $110,000 the second year from the general fund to increase traffic enforcement on Interstate 81. These funds shall be used to enhance existing efforts by providing overtime payments for extended and additional work shifts so as not to reduce the current level of State Police patrols on this and other public highways in the Commonwealth.

2. The Department shall utilize available traffic and crash data and work in cooperation with the Department of Transportation in determining appropriate enforcement strategies and locations. The Department shall provide a report reflecting Interstate 81 enforcement results and crash data to the Chairmen of the Senate Finance and House Appropriations Committees no later than December 1, 2006, with an interim report by December 1, 2005.