2006 Special Session I

Budget Bill - HB5002 (Introduced)

View Item amendments

Innovative Technology Authority

Item 419

Item 419

First Year - FY2007Second Year - FY2008
Economic Development Services (53400)$7,122,989$6,159,337
Technology Entrepreneurial Development Services (53415)FY2007 $4,162,914FY2008 $4,199,262
Commonwealth Technology Policy Services (53416)FY2007 $131,016FY2008 $131,016
Technology Industry Development Services (53419)FY2007 $1,334,258FY2008 $334,258
Technology Industry Research and Developmental Services (53420)FY2007 $1,494,801FY2008 $1,494,801
Fund Sources:  
GeneralFY2007 $7,122,989FY2008 $6,159,337

Authority: Title 2.2, Chapter 22, Code of Virginia, and Discretionary Inclusion.

A. The appropriation in this Item shall be used for the purpose of and in accordance with the terms and conditions specified in Title 2.2, Chapter 22, Code of Virginia.

B. Upon authorization of the Governor, the Innovative Technology Authority may transfer funds appropriated to it by this act to the nonstock corporation or other entity the formation of which the Governor is authorized to undertake in establishing the Authority.

C. The Innovative Technology Authority is hereby authorized to transfer funds in this appropriation to the Center for Innovative Technology to expend said funds for realizing the statutory purposes of the Authority, by contracting with governmental and private entities, notwithstanding the provisions of § 4-1.05 b of this act.

D. This appropriation shall be disbursed in twelve equal monthly installments each fiscal year.

E. Before the beginning of each fiscal year, the Innovative Technology Authority shall provide to the Chairmen of the House Appropriations and Senate Finance Committees and the Director, Department of Planning and Budget, a report of its operating plan. Within three months after the end of the fiscal year, the Center shall submit to the same entities a detailed expenditure report for the concluded fiscal year. Both reports shall be prepared in the formats as approved by the Department of Planning and Budget.

F. As part of its mission to foster technological innovation in the Commonwealth, the Innovative Technology Authority is encouraged to include in its activities Virginia private research universities, such as George Washington University.

G. The Center for Innovative Technology shall continue to support efforts of public and quasi-public bodies within the Commonwealth to enhance or facilitate the prompt availability of and access to advanced electronic communications services, commonly known as broadband, throughout the Commonwealth, monitoring trends and advances in advanced electronic communications technology to plan and forecast future needs for such technology, and identify funding options.

H. The General Assembly supports the Innovative Technology Authority's stated mission to enhance federal research funding to Virginia's colleges and universities and to industry. It is also the intent of the General Assembly to promote a greater reliance by the Authority on nongeneral fund revenues for the Authority's operations and programs.

I. Out of the appropriations for Economic Development Services, $250,000 the first year and $250,000 the second year from the general fund is provided for operational support of the Virginia Electronic Commerce Technology Center.

J. Out of the appropriations for this Item, $1,000,000 the first year from the general fund is provided for operational support of the Innovation Identification and Acceleration program.