2004 1

Budget Bill - SB30 (Introduced)

Item 168 Amendments

First Year - FY2005Second Year - FY2006
Member Request
168#1sCNU - Faculty Positions$2,700,000$4,700,000
168#2sCNU - O&M Center for the Arts$640,000$1,125,000
168#3sCNU - VECTEC$400,000$400,000
Committee Approved
168#3sCNU - VECTEC$400,000$400,000
168#8sCNU - Enrollment Growth$0$250,285
168#9sCNU - Tuition and Fee Authorization (Language Only)
168#10sCNU - Faculty Salary Increase$433,611$800,512
168#11sCNU - VIA Base Adequacy Funding$3,877,657$4,466,160
168#12sCNU - Remove Governor's Base Operating Funds-$951,427-$1,636,442