2004 Session

Budget Bill - HB29 (Chapter 943)

Department of Health

Item 305

Item 305

First Year - FY2003Second Year - FY2004
Administrative and Support Services (44900)$13,288,802$10,725,674
General Management and Direction (44901)FY2003 $3,978,280FY2004 $4,383,936
Computer Services (44902)FY2003 $4,810,622FY2004 $1,770,440
Accounting and Budgeting Services (44903)FY2003 $1,593,819FY2004 $1,590,119
Personnel Services (44914)FY2003 $1,663,169FY2004 $1,713,565
Procurement and Distribution Services (44918)FY2003 $1,242,912FY2004 $1,267,614
Fund Sources:  
GeneralFY2003 $12,161,951FY2004 $9,563,759
SpecialFY2003 $1,126,851FY2004 $1,161,915

Authority: §§ 3.1-530.1 through 3.1-530.9, 3.1-562.1 through 3.1-562.10, 32.1-11.3 through 32.1-11.4, 32.1-16 through 32.1-23, 35.1-1 through 35.1-7, and 35.1-9 through 35.1-28, Code of Virginia.

A. Out of this appropriation, $912,609 from the general fund the second year is provided toward the costs of the required relocation of the agency's central office staff to the James Madison Building. General and special fund appropriations in this item that are unexpended at the end of the first year shall be reappropriated to offset the impact of second year funding reductions in this item.

B. As part of the Department's ongoing suicide prevention efforts, the Department of Health, in cooperation with the Departments of Mental Health, Mental Retardation, and Substance Abuse Services; Social Services; Education; Juvenile Justice; Criminal Justice Services; State Police; Corrections; Aging and other state agencies shall lead an effort to formulate a comprehensive suicide prevention plan. The plan shall address suicide prevention across the life span with an emphasis on adolescents, the elderly, and high-risk populations. The plan shall establish Virginia's public policy regarding the prevention of suicide, identify the lead agency responsible for carrying out that policy, propose initiatives and interventions to effectively operationalize that policy, identify the sources and amounts of resources to implement the initiative, and propose the creation of a permanent oversight body to monitor implementation. The plan should be completed by June 30, 2004, and presented to the Governor and General Assembly for their consideration and possible action during the 2005 legislative session.