2003 Session

Budget Bill - HB1400 (Introduced)

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Mental Health Treatment Centers

Item 338

Item 338

First Year - FY2003Second Year - FY2004
State Health Services (43000)$187,611,695
Geriatric Care Services (43006)FY2003 $33,858,198
FY2004 $33,858,198
Inpatient Medical Services (43007)FY2003 $25,506,404
FY2004 $25,506,404
Mental Health Services (43009)FY2003 $128,247,093
FY2004 $128,247,093
Fund Sources:  
GeneralFY2003 $118,619,120
FY2004 $118,619,120
SpecialFY2003 $68,992,575
FY2004 $68,992,575

Authority: Title 37.1, Chapters 1 and 2; Title 16.1, Article 16, Code of Virginia.

1. As directed by the Governor, the Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation, and Substance Abuse Services, in collaboration with the Community Service Boards and other stakeholders, shall develop and implement a multi-stage plan to reduce mental health services provided in state facilities and reinvest saved resources to expand community based care. The first phase of the plan, at a minimum, shall restructure services in the facilities listed in paragraph 2 and reinvest all funding in community programs.

2. Appropriations to the following mental health treatment centers shall be made available to community services boards for implementation of regional restructuring projects to expand community mental health, mental retardation and substance abuse programs to serve patients who are discharged from these facilities or to reduce facility admissions during FY 2004 in the following approximate amounts:

FY 2004


Central State Hospital



Eastern State Hospital



Southwestern Virginia Mental Health Institute



Western State Hospital


3. The Commissioner of Mental Health, Mental Retardation, and Substance Abuse Services shall submit quarterly status reports on the successful implementation of these regional restructuring projects to the Secretary of Health and Human Resources, the Chairmen of the Senate Finance and House Appropriations Committees, and the Director of the Department of Planning and Budget beginning September 2003 and continuing through the completion of these projects.