2003 Session

Budget Bill - HB1400 (Chapter 1042)

Virginia Information Technologies Agency

Item 471.30

Item 471.30

First Year - FY2003Second Year - FY2004
Emergency Communication Systems Management and Direction (71200)$0$26,753,942
Emergency Communication Systems Development Services (71201)FY2003 $0FY2004 $397,040
Financial Assistance to Localities for Enhanced Emergency Communications (71202)FY2003 $0FY2004 $15,294,000
Financial Assistance to Service Providers for Enhanced Emergency Communication Services (71203)FY2003 $0FY2004 $11,062,902
Fund Sources:  
Dedicated Special RevenueFY2003 $0FY2004 $26,753,942

Authority: Discretionary Inclusion.

Virginia Information Technologies Agency shall provide a status report on the utilization and status of monies held and anticipated in the E-911 Fund by November 1, 2003 to the Governor and the Chairmen of the Senate Finance and House Appropriations Committees.