2003 Session

Budget Bill - HB1400 (Chapter 1042)

Department of Accounts

Item 272

Item 272

First Year - FY2003Second Year - FY2004
Administrative and Support Services (74900)$3,033,025
General Management and Direction (74901)FY2003 $1,240,941
FY2004 $1,259,507
Computer Services (74902)FY2003 $1,661,706
FY2004 $1,661,706
Records Retention and Word Processing Services (74920)FY2003 $130,378FY2004 $130,378
Fund Sources:  
GeneralFY2003 $3,033,025
FY2004 $3,051,591

Authority: Title 2.2, Chapter 8, Code of Virginia.

A. The Comptroller of Virginia shall establish a special revenue account fund detail code for nongeneral funds donated to the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts by private donors and volunteers who sponsor fundraising activities to support the museum's general operations, exhibitions, and programs. Revenues included in this fund will be restricted for the uses specified by the donors and shall not be subject to interagency transfers or appropriation reductions.

B. The Department of Accounts is authorized to disburse, as fiscal agent for the Commonwealth Health Research Board, funds received from the Virginia Retirement System pursuant to § 23-284, Code of Virginia.