Higher Education Auxiliary Enterprises (80900) | $124,827,541 $125,054,541 | $127,503,944 $130,230,944 |
Food Services (80910) | FY2003 $23,896,431 $24,018,431 | FY2004 $24,316,510 $25,538,510 |
Residential Services (80930) | FY2003 $18,296,983 | FY2004 $18,581,006 |
Parking and Transportation Systems and Services (80940) | FY2003 $3,344,510 $3,449,510 | FY2004 $3,395,594 $3,740,594 |
Telecommunications Systems and Services (80950) | FY2003 $12,946,013 | FY2004 $13,127,176 |
Student Health Services (80960) | FY2003 $6,038,249 | FY2004 $6,359,132 |
Student Unions and Recreational Facilities (80970) | FY2003 $7,474,725 | FY2004 $7,589,641 |
Recreational and Intramural Programs (80980) | FY2003 $4,306,846 | FY2004 $4,356,335 |
Other Enterprise Functions (80990) | FY2003 $25,754,984 | FY2004 $26,302,634 |
Intercollegiate Athletics (80995) | FY2003 $22,768,800 | FY2004 $23,475,916 $24,635,916 |
Fund Sources: | | |
Higher Education Operating | FY2003 $114,912,660 $115,034,660 | FY2004 $117,589,063 $120,211,063 |
Debt Service | FY2003 $9,914,881 $10,019,881 | FY2004 $9,914,881 $10,019,881 |