2001 Session

Budget Bill - SB800 (Introduced)

Department of Technology Planning

Item 502.10

Item 502.10

First Year - FY2001Second Year - FY2002
Emergency Communication Systems Management and Direction (71200)$0$30,900,000
Financial Assistance to Localities for Enhanced Emergency Communications (71202)FY2001 $0FY2002 $20,094,000
Financial Assistance to Service Providers for Enhanced Emergency Communication Services (71203)FY2001 $0FY2002 $10,806,000
Fund Sources:  
Dedicated Special RevenueFY2001 $0FY2002 $30,900,000

Included within this appropriation is $1,400,000 the second year from the Wireless E-911 Fund to establish a grant program to assist localities that are making a good-faith effort to develop E-911 wireline emergency telephone services but have a demonstrated financial need for state assistance. The Department of Technology Planning shall provide a status report on the implementation of the grant program, including proposed guidelines to be used in the grant application process, by December 1, 2001, to the Governor, Chairmen of the Senate Finance and House Appropriations Committees, and the Chairman of the State Crime Commission.