2000 Session

Budget Bill - SB30 (Introduced)

First Year - FY2001Second Year - FY2002
Total For University of Virginia$609,634,290$622,025,752
General Fund Positions1,833.951,837.95
Nongeneral Fund Positions4,088.554,123.55
Position Level5,922.505,961.50
Fund Sources:
Higher Education Operating$439,401,032$448,808,025
Debt Service$7,740,459$7,740,459
Grand Totals For University of Virginia includes University of Virginia Medical Center, University of Virginia's College at Wise$1,144,843,658$1,171,169,392
General Fund Positions1,979.891,983.89
Nongeneral Fund Positions7,899.637,934.63
Position Level9,879.529,918.52
Fund Sources:
Higher Education Operating$955,021,912$978,197,889
Debt Service$17,129,754$17,129,754