2000 1

Budget Bill - SB30 (Introduced)

Item 381 Amendments

First Year - FY2001Second Year - FY2002
Member Request
381#1sTANF Cost of Living Increase$9,523,152$9,208,514
381#2sPre- and Post-TANF Services$10,000,000$0
381#3sLanguage-Welfare Prevention/Transition (Language Only)
381#4sTANF Cost of Living Increase-$9 mil.$9,000,000$9,000,000
Committee Approved
381#1sTANF Cost of Living Increase$8,700,000$7,900,000
381#2sPre- and Post-TANF Services$5,000,000$5,000,000
381#5sReduced Use-General Relief-$500,000-$500,000
381#6sRevised TANF Forecast-$11,400,000-$16,800,000
Conference Report
381#1cTANF Cost of Living Increase$8,700,000$7,900,000
381#6cRevised TANF Forecast-$11,445,187-$16,797,509
381#11cEstimated Use of General Relief-$1,000,000-$1,000,000
381#13cTANF Maintenance of Effort in Healthy Families (Language Only)