2000 Session

Budget Bill - SB30 (Introduced)

Department of Education, Central Office Operations

Item 139

Item 139

First Year - FY2001Second Year - FY2002
Ground Transportation Regulation (60100)$302,869$302,968
Highway Vehicle Regulation (60101)FY2001 $302,869FY2002 $302,968
Fund Sources:  
Commonwealth TransportationFY2001 $157,869FY2002 $157,968
Federal TrustFY2001 $145,000FY2002 $145,000

Authority: §§ 22.1-205, 22.1-177, 22.1-181, and 46.1-357, Code of Virginia; Federal Highway Safety Act of 1966, as amended by P.L. 94-280, Federal Code.