2000 Session

Budget Bill - HB29 (Introduced)

Item 4-5.09

Item 4-5.09


a. Agencies shall not acquire real property by lease until the agency certifies to the Director of the Department of General Services that (i) funds are available within the agency's appropriations made by this act for the cost of the lease and (ii) the volume of leased space conforms with the space planning procedures for leased facilities developed by the Department of General Services and approved by the Governor. The Governor may waive these requirements if, in his opinion, such action may avoid an increase in cost or otherwise result in a measurable benefit to the state and funds are available within the appropriations made by this act, without adverse impact on other projects or programs, or from unappropriated nongeneral fund revenues or balances. Any such waivers approved by the Governor shall be reported in accordance with § 4-8.00, Reporting Requirements.

b. Agencies acquiring personal property in accordance with § 2.1-179.2, Code of Virginia, shall certify to the State Treasurer that funds are available within the agency's appropriations made by this act for the cost of the lease.