2000 Session

Budget Bill - HB29 (Introduced)

Department of Medical Assistance Services

Item 338

Item 338 (Not set out)

First Year - FY1999Second Year - FY2000
Medical Assistance Services (Non-Medicaid) (46400)$20,748,694$31,918,255
State and Local Hospitalization Program (46401)FY1999 $13,849,342FY2000 $13,849,342
State Childrens' Health Insurance Services (46402)FY1999 $6,648,650FY2000 $17,803,211
Health Premium Assistance Program for HIV-Positive Individuals (46403)FY1999 $250,702FY2000 $265,702
Fund Sources:  
GeneralFY1999 $11,300,044FY2000 $11,315,044
SpecialFY1999 $2,800,000FY2000 $2,800,000
Dedicated Special RevenueFY1999 $2,260,541FY2000 $6,053,092
Federal TrustFY1999 $4,388,109FY2000 $11,750,119

Authority: Title 32.1, Chapter 12, Code of Virginia.

A. In administering the Hospitalization and Outpatient Services for Indigent and Medically Indigent subprogram, the Department shall be guided by the following:

1. The allocation of state funds shall be based on the estimated total cost of required services in each county and city less the funds which shall be provided by the counties and cities. County and city funding shall be based upon a sliding scale not to exceed 25 percent of the total cost of required services.

2. Out of this subprogram, $113,550 the first year and $113,550 the second year from the general fund is reserved to support the state's share of expenses associated with inpatient services for migrants on the Eastern Shore. Reimbursement for costs shall be made in accordance with the requirements of the State/Local Hospitalization Program and will require a local match.

3. Any funds for the State/Local Hospitalization Program unexpended at the end of the fiscal year shall not revert to the general fund but shall remain in the Program, to be used as an offset to the calculated local share for the following year.

B. Included in the appropriation is $220,702 the first year and $220,702 $265,702 the second year from the general fund to provide insurance payment assistance for HIV-infected persons in accordance with § 32.1-330.1, Code of Virginia.

C. The Department shall delay implementation of the Diagnosis-Related Groups reimbursement methodology for inpatient hospital services provided under this program until July 1, 1999. Until that time, the daily inpatient hospital reimbursement rate shall be the same as the per diem rate established by the Department and in effect on June 30, 1998.

D.1. As a condition of this appropriation, revenues from the Virginia Medical Security Insurance Plan Trust Fund, established under Item 339 of this act, shall be used to match federal funds for the State Children's Health Insurance Program.

2. As a condition of this appropriation, $793,014 from dedicated special revenue and $1,586,029 from federal funds the first year and $1,131,758 from dedicated special revenue and $2,263,516 from federal funds the second year shall be transferred from this Item to Item 401 for local departments of social services to administer the Virginia Children's Medical Security Insurance Plan set forth in Item 335.