1999 Session
Budget Bill - SB800 (Introduced)
| First Year - FY1999 | Second Year - FY2000 |
Total For Office of Health and Human Resources | $4,824,592,909 $4,811,194,244 | $5,020,243,115 $5,162,231,941 |
General Fund Positions | 9,212.11 9,350.51 | 9,215.12 9,361.52 |
Nongeneral Fund Positions | 7,901.39 7,914.99 | 7,899.38 7,931.98 |
Position Level | 17,113.50 17,265.50 | 17,114.50 17,293.50 |
Fund Sources: |
General | $1,968,903,776 $1,961,384,610 | $2,040,197,370 $2,105,814,916 |
Special | $689,215,614 $683,270,026 | $727,552,606 $732,152,774 |
Enterprise | $6,316,197 | $6,316,197 |
Trust and Agency | $42,000 | $42,000 |
Dedicated Special Revenue | $21,437,329 $20,447,723 | $24,695,545 $20,584,479 |
Federal Trust | $2,138,677,993 $2,139,733,688 | $2,221,439,397 $2,297,321,575 |