1999 1

Budget Bill - SB800 (Introduced)

Item 22 Amendments

First Year - FY1999Second Year - FY2000
Member Request
22#2sVideo Arraignment for Red Onion/Wallen's Ridge$0$79,300
22#3sStudy of Custody Determination$0$150,000
22#4sCAIS Court Records on the Internet$0$770,000
22#5sCAIS Court Records on the Internet$0$770,000
Committee Approved
22#2sVideo Arraignment for Red Onion/Wallen's Ridge$0$106,000
22#4sFrame Relay Technology$0$417,483
Conference Report
22#1cJoint Custody Study$0$100,000
22#2cVideo Arraignment for Red Onion/Wallen's Ridge$0$106,000
22#4cFrame Relay Technology$0$417,483
22#5cIntent to Increase Attorney Fees (Language Only)
22#8cPersonal Appearance in Court (Language Only)