1999 Session

Budget Bill - SB800 (Introduced)

Department of Motor Vehicles

Item 539

Item 539

First Year - FY1999Second Year - FY2000
Ground Transportation System Safety (60500)$5,882,528$5,891,060
Ground Transportation Safety Promotion (60503)FY1999 $4,899,851FY2000 $4,907,399
Ground Transportation Safety Research and Analysis (60504)FY1999 $132,677FY2000 $133,661
Financial Assistance for Transportation Safety (60507)FY1999 $850,000FY2000 $850,000
Fund Sources:  
Commonwealth TransportationFY1999 $2,259,898FY2000 $2,268,430
Federal TrustFY1999 $3,622,630FY2000 $3,622,630

Authority: §§ 46.2-222 through 46.2-224, Code of Virginia. Title 33, Chapter 4, United States Code.