1999 Session

Budget Bill - HB1450 (Introduced)

Jamestown-Yorktown Foundation

Item 269

Item 269

First Year - FY1999Second Year - FY2000
Historic and Commemorative Attraction Management (50200)$451,260$1,650,547
Commemorative Attraction Management (50202)FY1999 $451,260FY2000 $1,650,547
Fund Sources:  
GeneralFY1999 $432,530FY2000 $1,572,999
SpecialFY1999 $18,730FY2000 $77,548

Authority: Title 9, Chapter 12, Code of Virginia

1. The funds in this appropriation are designated for organizing, coordinating and supporting the celebration of the 400th anniversary of the Jamestown Settlement in 2007. Allotment of this appropriation by the Department of Planning and Budget shall be consistent with the operating plan and progress reports submitted pursuant to paragraph 3 below.

2. Any employees paid from this appropriation shall be exempt from the Virginia Personnel Act.

3. The Jamestown-Yorktown Foundation shall submit an initial operating plan for use of this appropriation to the Department of Planning and Budget by August 1, 1998, and thereafter submit semi-annual progress reports, which shall include the physical and programmatic aspect of the celebration, to the Governor and the Chairmen of the House Appropriations and Senate Finance Committees regarding the planned and completed work of the Celebration 2007 Steering Committee. A conceptual design and proposed location for the 2007 Celebration Monument shall be provided to those entities and officials required by law by October 1, 1999. By January 2000, the Foundation shall submit a comprehensive report to the Governor and General Assembly regarding recommendations for all planned activities with timelines, estimated costs, and expected outcomes for commemorating Jamestown's 400th anniversary in 2007.

4. Out of this appropriation, $1,000,000 is provided for seed money to attract private donations in support of the construction of a monument for the 2007 Celebration. The Comptroller shall transfer this sum to a nongeneral nonreverting account in the state treasury designated as "The 2007 Celebration Fund." Expenditures from this fund are to be used to support monument construction or celebration activities in such a way as to maximize additional funds from private sources. All expenditures shall be in accordance with guidance from the 2007 Celebration Steering Committee and the agency's Facilities Master Plan.