1997 Session

Budget Bill - SB700 (Introduced)

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Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Item 182

Item 182

First Year - FY1997Second Year - FY1998
Higher Education Student Financial Assistance (10800)$8,814,727$8,814,727
Scholarships (10810)FY1997 $6,630,175FY1998 $6,630,175
Fellowships (10820)FY1997 $2,184,552FY1998 $2,184,552
Fund Sources:  
GeneralFY1997 $8,814,727FY1998 $8,814,727

Authority: Soil Scientist Scholarships: § 23-38.3, Code of Virginia; Other Scholarships: §§ 23-114 through 23-131, Code of Virginia.

Out of the amount for Scholarships and Loans, the following sums shall be made available from the general fund for:

1. Soil Scientist Scholarships, $11,000 the first year and $11,000 the second year.

2. Other Scholarships, no more than $8,753,727 the first year and no more than $8,753,727 the second year.

3. Scholarships and assistantship support of $50,000 the first year and $50,000 the second year for five minority graduate students in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences.