2024 Session

Budget Amendments - SB30 (Member Request)

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Chief Patron: Boysko
Health Benefit Exchange Workgroup (language only)

Item 479 #2s

Item 479 #2s

Independent Agencies
State Corporation Commission


Page 527, after line 30, insert:

"E.1. The State Health Benefit Exchange shall establish a workgroup comprised of representatives of the Exchange and: (i) two health insurance plan representatives who are familiar with enhanced direct enrollment; (ii) two representatives of enhanced direct enrollment entities; (iii) two representatives of consumer organizations, including at least one navigator organization; and (iv) up to two members of the Exchange 's Advisory Committee. The work group shall consider input from other subject matter experts as appropriate.

2. The workgroup shall meet four times and make its best efforts to determine whether incorporating enhanced direct enrollment technology into Virginia's exchange platform will:

a. increase overall enrollment, including "new to market" enrollments, in the Affordable Care Act plans offered on the Exchange;

b. increase enrollment by consumers who are eligible for higher-than-average subsidies under the Affordable Care Act;

c. increase active re-enrollments;

d. reduce non-renewals;

e. impact auto-renewals;

f improve the consumer experience,

g. incentivize insurance agents and brokers to enroll more consumers in Affordable Care Act plans;

h. increase the participation of diverse and underserved communities in the Exchange; and

i. allow Navigators to more efficiently access enrollee data and benefit information to serve their clients.

3. The work group shall submit a report of its findings, along with any other appropriate considerations, by October 1, 2024 to the Chairs of the Senate Committees on Labor and Commerce and Finance and Appropriations and the House Committees on Labor and Commerce and Appropriations. The Exchange will host the work group and provide it with staff support."


(This amendment creates a workgroup at the State Health Benefit Exchange to consider the benefits of enhanced direct enrollment.)