2024 Session

Budget Amendments - SB30 (Member Request)

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Chief Patron: Deeds
Nursing Facility Rate Improvements

Item 288 #9s

Item 288 #9s

First Year - FY2025 Second Year - FY2026
Health and Human Resources
Department of Medical Assistance Services FY2025 $40,456,217 FY2026 $47,271,670 GF
FY2025 $42,480,419 FY2026 $49,636,223 NGF

Page 319, line 23, strike "$23,331,209,172" and insert "$23,414,145,808".
Page 319, line 23, strike "$24,879,038,632" and insert "$24,975,946,525".

Page 348, after line 43, insert:

"WWWW.1. Effective July 1, 2024, the department shall modify nursing facility direct and indirect peer group pricing. Specifically, the department shall determine the prices under the existing methodology, except by using the relevant facility with the 75th percentile day in place of the cost of the currently-mandated facility with the 50th percentile, or “day-weighted median” cost.

2. Effective July 1, 2024, the department shall modify the fair rental value capital rate component for nursing facilities to eliminate the minimum occupancy assumption.

3. Effective July 1, 2024, the department shall modify the fair rental value capital rate component for nursing facilities to create a private room capital component for annually designated private rooms of no more than 20 percent of a nursing facility's total Medicaid or dually certified beds under the same methodology as the remainder of beds except that the imputed gross square feet per bed levels shall be multiplied by a factor of 1.5.

4. The department shall have the authority to implement these reimbursement changes prior to the completion of any regulatory process to effect such changes. To the extent federal approval requires alternative approaches to achieve the same general results, the department shall have the authority to follow the federal guidance."


(This amendment adds $40.5 million from the general fund and $42.5 million from nongeneral funds the first year and $47.3 million from the general fund and $49.6 million from nongeneral funds the second year to increase Medicaid payments to nursing facilities by directing the Department of Medical Assistance Services (DMAS) to modify the Medicaid program to cover incurred costs for a larger percentage of Medicaid days and to recognize the need for some amount of private beds for infection prevention and control through added reimbursement. It further improves capital payments by eliminating the minimum occupancy assumption used in calculating reimbursement. Currently, if occupancy is below 88 percent, DMAS sets occupancy at 88 percent (artificially increasing the number of days). This reduces the per diem payment by distributing costs across a higher number of days but paying for the lower number of days. Exacerbated by COVID occupancy declines, the impact from this outdated requirement artificially removes much-needed capital funds.)