2024 Session

Budget Amendments - SB30 (Floor Approved)

DGS - Move to Independent Agencies - Previous Item 72

Item 474.7 #1s

Item 474.7 #1s

First Year - FY2025 Second Year - FY2026
Independent Agencies
Department of General Services FY2025 $19,964,863 FY2026 $19,964,863 NGF

Page 526, after line 2, insert:

"474.7 Transportation Pool Services (82300)$19,964,863$19,964,863
Fund Sources:  Internal Service $19,964,863 $19,964,863 "

Transportation Pool Services (82300)



Statewide Vehicle Management Services (82302)



Fund Sources:

Internal Service



Authority: Title 2.2, Chapter 11, Article 7; § 2.2-120, Code of Virginia.

A. The appropriation for Statewide Vehicle Management Services is sum sufficient and amounts shown are estimates from an internal service fund which shall be paid from revenues derived from charges to agencies for fleet management services.

B. Charges for central fleet vehicles leased by state agencies and institutions shall be the vehicle purchase cost and interest charges amortized over a period of 84 months or less, in addition to a standard monthly operating charge of $110.00 the first year and $110.00 the second year per vehicle for the cost of maintenance and support.

C. In addition to providing services to state agencies and institutions, fleet management services may also be provided to local public bodies on a fee for service basis in accordance with established Department of General Services Fleet Management policies and procedures.

D. The Department of General Services shall manage the Commonwealth's consolidation of bulk and commercial fuel contracts awarded in response to Chapter 879, Acts of Assembly of 2008, Item 1-83 C. The intent of this consolidation is to leverage the Commonwealth's state and local public entities, gasoline and diesel fuel purchase volume to achieve the most favored pricing from private sector fuel providers, and reduce procurement administration workload from state agencies, institutions, local government entities, and other authorized users of awarded contracts that would have otherwise procured and contracted separately for these commodities.


(This amendment is one of six amendments under Independent Agencies that moves the Department of General Services to this section.)