2024 Session

Budget Amendments - SB30 (Floor Approved)

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Higher Education Restructuring Language Adjustments (language only)

Item 4-9.01 #1s

Item 4-9.01 #1s

Education: Higher Education
Assessment of Institutional Performance


Page 632, strike lines 20-21, and insert:

"The financial and administrative standards apply to all institutions except those governed under Chapters 933 and 943 of the 2006 Acts of Assembly Chapters 594 and 616 of the 2008 Acts of Assembly, Chapters 675 and 685 of the 2009 Acts of Assembly, and Chapters 124 and 125 of the 2019 Acts of Assembly."

Page 633, strike lines 3-9, and insert:

"The financial and administrative standards apply to institutions governed under Chapters 933 and 943 of the 2006 Acts of Assembly, Chapters 594 and 616 of the 2008 Acts of Assembly, Chapters 675 and 685 of the 2009 Acts of Assembly, and Chapters 124 and 125 of the 2019 Acts of Assembly. They shall be measured by the administrative standards outlined in the Management Agreements and § 4-9.02.d.4. of this act. However, the Governor may supplement or replace those administrative performance measures with the administrative performance measures listed in this paragraph. Effective July 1, 2009, the following administrative and financial measures shall be used for the assessment of institutional performance for institutions governed under Chapters 933 and 943 of the 2006 Acts of Assembly and those governed under Chapters 594 and 616 of the 2008 Acts of Assembly, Chapters 675 and 685 of the 2009 Acts of Assembly, and Chapters 124 and 125 of the 2019 Acts of Assembly."


(This amendment is one of several amendments in Part 4 that restores language referencing Level III institutions that was included in Chapter 1, 2023 Special Session 1.)