2024 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Member Request)

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Chief Patron: Deeds
Federal Funds for Early Voting (language only)

Item 77 #4s

Item 77 #4s

Department of Elections


Page 77, after line 43, insert:

"F. The Department of Elections shall expend its allocation of American Rescue Plan Act funding authorized in Item 478.20 of Chapter 1, 2022 Special Session I  Acts of Assembly, by no later than December 31, 2024.".


(This amendment directs the Department of Elections to use it's remaining allocation of over $2.8 million in federal American Reduce Plan Act funds. The Department received a $3.0 million allocation to support to provide funding to help support efforts in localities to expand early voting and to include the adoption of Sunday voting. The department has expended less than $150,000 of that allocation. This amendment requires the Department to expend the fund prior to the federal deadlines.)