2024 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Member Request)

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Chief Patron: Sturtevant
Procurement of Electric Vehicles with Forced Labor Components

Item 70 #4s

Item 70 #4s

First Year - FY2025 Second Year - FY2026
Department of General Services FY2025 $50,000 FY2026 $50,000 GF

Page 69, line 27, strike "$67,972,051" and insert "$68,022,051".
Page 69, line 27, strike "$67,972,051" and insert "$68,022,051".


(This amendment provides $50,000 each year from the general fund for the potential impact of pending legislation that would prohibit public bodies from awarding contracts to acquire an electric vehicle or electric vehicle component from a business unless such business provides a sworn declaration from the manufacturer certifying that every person involved in the production of such components and every person involved in the sourcing, manufacturing, or mining of the material used in such electric vehicle or electric vehicle component did not use forced labor or oppressive child labor.)