2024 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Member Request)

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Chief Patron: Jordan
Provide Funding for Liberty Road Extension in Greenville County

Item 438 #3s

Item 438 #3s

First Year - FY2025 Second Year - FY2026
Department of Transportation FY2025 $2,021,664 FY2026 $11,740,313 GF

Page 486, line 31, strike "$4,019,337,848" and insert "$4,021,359,512".
Page 486, line 31, strike "$3,599,507,188" and insert "$3,611,247,501".

Page 488, after line 22, insert:

"N. Out of this appropriation, $2,021,664 the first year and $11,740,313 the second year from the general fund is provided to support the Liberty Road Extension in Greenville County."


(This amendment provides $2.0 million GF the first year and $11.7 million GF the second year for an extension to Liberty Road in Greensville County. The extension will allow for dual access to existing homes and businesses.)