2024 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Member Request)

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Chief Patron: Marsden
Towing and Recovery Operators Fuel Surcharge (language only)

Item 426 #9s

Item 426 #9s

Department of Motor Vehicles


Page 480, after line 48, insert:

"P. In addition to the fees authorized in § 46.2-1233.1, Code of Virginia, towing and recovery operators are authorized to charge a fuel surcharge fee of no more than $35 for each vehicle towed or removed from private property without the consent of its owner. Notwithstanding any other provisions of Chapter 12, Title 46.2, Code of Virginia, no local governing body shall limit or prohibit the fee authorized pursuant to this subsection."


(This amendment provides language authorizing towing and recovery operators to charge a fuel surcharge of no more than $35 for each towed vehicle. Chapter 323, 2023 Acts of Assembly, authorized such fuel surcharge of $20 and has an expiration date of July 1, 2024.)