2024 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Member Request)

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Chief Patron: Simon
Restrictions on Firearm Buyback Services Contracts (language only)

Item 4-5.04 #1h

Item 4-5.04 #1h

Special Conditions and Restrictions on Expenditures
Goods and Services


Page 611, after line 5, insert:

"n. FIREARM BUYBACK PROGRAMS: Not withstanding any other provision of law, no expenditures from general or nongeneral fund sources may be made out of any appropriation made by the General Assembly for any contracts executed by any state agency or local political subdivision with companies that do not dispose of all firearm components for the purpose of firearm buyback programs."


(This amendment prohibits the expenditure of any general or nongeneral funds by state agency or local political subdivision with companies that do not dispose of all firearm components for the purpose of firearm buyback program.)