2024 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Member Request)

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Chief Patron: Ballard
Part 4 - Out-of-State Tuition Authority (language only)

Item 4-2.01 #1h

Item 4-2.01 #1h

Nongeneral Fund Revenues


Page 589, after line 48, insert:

"e. The requirements for § 4-2.01 b.2.b, as it pertains to nonresident undergraduate students, are waived for new nonresident undergraduate students enrolled at NSU, VSU, UVA-Wise and institutions of higher education with a current proportion of nonresident undergraduate enrollment of less than 20 percent, measured in terms of full-time equivalent.”


(This amendment requests flexible tuition authority in an effort to increase Virginia’s talent pipeline. In order to attract out-of-state students into Virginia, the language would allow schools the ability to charge less than 100 percent of the average cost of education to out-of-state students but not less than the in-state cost.)