2024 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Member Request)

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Chief Patron: Ebbin
Financial Assistance to the Virginia CASH Campaign

Item 331 #4s

Item 331 #4s

First Year - FY2025 Second Year - FY2026
Health and Human Resources
Department of Social Services FY2025 $750,000 FY2026 $750,000 GF

Page 394, line 27, strike "$63,090,789" and insert "$63,840,789".
Page 394, line 27, strike "$61,965,789" and insert "$62,715,789".

Page 394, line 43, after "block grant", insert: "and $750,000 the first year and $750,000 the second year from the general fund".


(This amendment provides an additional $750,000 each year from the general fund to support the Virginia CASH Campaign, the state-supported Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program providing outreach, education and tax preparation services for Virginians who may be eligible for both the federal and state Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and who may need assistance filing their annual tax returns. The Virginia Community Action Partnership (VACAP) works with coalitions to promote the EITC through the CASH Campaign. The General Assembly first appropriated to $230,000 to VACAP in 2006 to provide EITC grants to local organizations to provide free tax preparation services to low-income citizens. Current funding from the General Assembly stands at $185,725 annually. The CASH Campaign and EITC grant program has expanded to 22 coalitions providing services to 30,000 taxpayers from only eight coalitions serving 2,600 taxpayers in 2003.)