2024 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Member Request)

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Chief Patron: Hashmi
VCU - Pauley Heart Center

Item 196 #4s

Item 196 #4s

First Year - FY2025 Second Year - FY2026
Education: Higher Education
Virginia Commonwealth University FY2025 $9,048,000 FY2026 $9,048,000 GF

Page 234, line 48, strike "$353,644,910" and insert "$362,692,910".
Page 234, line 48, strike "$353,644,910" and insert "$362,692,910".


(This amendment provides $9,048,000 each year from the general fund to provide permanent funding to support the VCU Pauley Heart Center. This funding will support programs and expansion to maximize the center's impact for statewide workforce development and reduction of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. This initiative will optimize workforce development, expand critical cardiovascular disease research, prevent unnecessary emergency room visits, build a more informed patient population, and lower state Medicaid expenditures.)