2024 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Member Request)

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Chief Patron: Locke
W&M - Troops to Teachers

Item 140 #2s

Item 140 #2s

First Year - FY2025 Second Year - FY2026
Education: Higher Education
The College of William and Mary in Virginia FY2025 $532,000 FY2026 $532,000 GF
FY2025 3.00 FY2026 3.00 FTE

Page 196, line 44, strike "$279,700,685" and insert "$280,232,685".
Page 196, line 44, strike "$278,999,885" and insert "$279,531,885".


(This amendment provides $532,000 GF each year of the biennium and 3.0 FTE positions for the Troops to Teachers Virginia Center to help military service members who want to become teachers and work with all colleges across the state to find the best option to become licensed as a teacher. Troops to Teachers is administered by William and Mary for the Virginia Department of Education.)