2024 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Member Request)

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Chief Patron: Hashmi
SCHEV - TAG Online Application (language only)

Item 130 #2s

Item 130 #2s

Education: Higher Education
State Council of Higher Education for Virginia


Page 187, line 33, after last sentence, insert:

"Upon consultation with and approval from SCHEV, private institutions which participate in this program may develop and distribute the Tuition Assistance Grant application form for electronic administration."

Page 188, strike lines 5-14.


(This amendment removes language in the Governor's introduced budget that allows up to $2.0 million of unexpended balances from the Tuition Assistance Grant program to be used by SCHEV to study and implement an online system to apply for awards. It adds language that permits institutions participating in the program to develop and distribute an electronic application.)