2024 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Member Request)

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Chief Patron: Rouse
Direct Aid - Teacher Salary Increase

Item 125 #25s

Item 125 #25s

First Year - FY2025 Second Year - FY2026
Education: Elementary and Secondary
Direct Aid to Public Education FY2025 $307,219,343 FY2026 $307,219,343 GF

Page 143, line 52, strike "$10,290,021,574" and insert "$10,597,240,917".
Page 143, line 52, strike "$10,073,997,964" and insert "$10,381,217,307".

Page 181, strike lines 7 through 13 and insert:

"a. Out of this appropriation, $307,219,343 the first year and $307,219,343 the second year from the general fund is provided for the state share of a 5.0 salary increase and related fringe benefit costs effective July 1, 2024, for funded SOQ instructional and support positions. Sufficient funds are appropriated in this act to finance, on a statewide basis, the state share of up to a 5.0 percent salary increase effective July 1, 2024, to school divisions that certify to the Department of Education that an equivalent increase will be provided to instructional and support personnel the second year."


(This amendment provides $307.2 million in each year of the biennium from the general fund to support the state share of salary increases and related fringe benefit costs to fund an additional 5.0 percent salary increase effective July 1, 2024, for funded SOQ instructional and support positions. This is an estimate. The actual fiscal impact is to be determined.)