2024 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Member Request)

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Chief Patron: Hashmi
Direct Aid - Proficiency-Based EL Ratios

Item 125 #13s

Item 125 #13s

First Year - FY2025 Second Year - FY2026
Education: Elementary and Secondary
Direct Aid to Public Education FY2025 $61,700,000 FY2026 $61,300,000 GF

Page 143, line 52, strike "$10,290,021,574" and insert "$10,351,721,574".
Page 143, line 52, strike "$10,073,997,964" and insert "$10,135,297,964".


(This amendment provides $61.7 million the first year and $61.3 million the second year from the general fund to amend the staffing requirements for English Learner (EL) teachers to differentiate the distribution of positions based upon the proficiency level of students in each school division, while maintaining local flexibility in deploying those positions. The staffing ratio would be amended from 20 positions per 1,000 EL students in FY25 (1 per 50) to: one position per 25 students for each EL identified at Level One; one position per 30 students for each EL identified at Level Two; one position per 40 students for each EL identified at Level Three; and one position per 50 students for all other EL students. The amount included is an estimate provided by the Department of Education based a request with adjustment to ratios at a similar amount. This is an estimate. The actual fiscal impact is to be determined.)