2024 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Member Request)

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Chief Patron: Bagby
Co-Patron(s): Jordan
Literacy Lab VPI Minority Educator

Item 124 #21s

Item 124 #21s

First Year - FY2025 Second Year - FY2026
Education: Elementary and Secondary
Direct Aid to Public Education FY2025 $400,000 FY2026 $400,000 GF

Page 131, line 44, strike "$89,063,467" and insert "$89,463,467".
Page 131, line 44, strike "$88,308,467" and insert "$88,708,467".

Page 142, line 8 strike both instances of "$300,000" and insert "$700,000".

Page 142, line 18, strike ", 2022" and insert "each year".


(This amendment provides an additional $400,000 GF each year to the Literacy Lab VPI Minority Educator Fellowship, bringing the total appropriation from $300,000 per year to $700,000 per year. The amendment also edits language so that a report is due annually on August 1.)