2024 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Member Request)

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Chief Patron: Marsden
Broadband Resiliency Initative

Item 103 #8s

Item 103 #8s

First Year - FY2025 Second Year - FY2026
Commerce and Trade
Department of Housing and Community Development FY2025 $60,000,000 FY2026 $60,000,000 GF

Page 99, line 40, strike "$127,802,325" and insert "$187,802,325".
Page 99, line 40, strike "$78,802,325" and insert "$138,802,325".

Page 105, line 34, after "T." insert "1."

Page 105, after line 36, insert:

"2. In its implementation of Public Law 117-58, the department shall first ensure that sufficient funds are allocated to ensure the deployment of service to all unserved locations and all underserved locations in a manner consistent with Public Law 117-58 and related federal guidance.

3. Of the federal funding remaining after Paragraph O.2., the department shall allocate no less than 50 percent to the Virginia Broadband Resiliency Initiative and up to 50 percent to other non-deployment uses including, but not limited to, remote learning or telehealth services and facilities, broadband sign-up assistance and programs that provide technology support, and other digital equity programs.

U.1. Out of the amounts in this Item, $60,000,000 the first year and $60,000,000 the second year from the general fund is provided for the Virginia Broadband Resiliency Initiative. The funds shall be used to supplement deployment projects selected in the FY 2022 Virginia Telecommunication Initiative and funded with resources from the State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund or the Capital Projects Fund of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 by increasing the proportion of underground construction and/or investing in more utility pole replacement than contemplated in the initial FY 2022 Virginia Telecommunication Initiative award, and thereby improve the resiliency of such deployments.  Any balances for the purposes specified in this paragraph which are unexpended on June 30, 2025, and June 30, 2026, shall not revert to the general fund but shall be carried forward and reappropriated.

2. The department shall establish an application process for broadband service providers to seek reimbursement for costs associated with utility pole replacements, mid-span pole installations, and undergrounding in excess of the amounts included in the approved FY 2022 Virginia Telecommunication Initiative award, and where the costs were incurred on or after January 1, 2024.  Undergrounding costs shall only be eligible for reimbursement if the applicant can demonstrate that the broadband deployment will include a higher percentage of underground miles than contemplated in the approved application and undergrounding will result in less reimbursement than pole replacements and mid-span pole installations.  The application process shall require applicants to submit the following information:

i. The number, cost, and locations of pole replacements, mid-span pole installations, or undergrounding for which reimbursement is requested;

ii. Documentation sufficient to establish that the pole replacements, mid-span pole installations, and undergrounding described in the application have been completed or will be completed within 120 days of receipt of funds.

iii. Documentation sufficient to establish the costs for which reimbursement is requested;

iv. Documentation from the approved FY 2022 Virginia Telecommunications award for the project demonstrating project costs for utility pole replacements, mid-span pole installations, and undergrounding;

v. Documentation demonstrating that requested funds supplement previously awarded funds for utility pole replacements, mid-span pole installations, and undergrounding;

vi. For applications requesting reimbursement for undergrounding costs, documentation sufficient to demonstrate undergrounding is more cost-effective than performing pole replacements and mid-span installations.

3. Within 30 days of receipt of a completed application, the department shall reimburse applicants for (i) no more than $30,000 per mile for pole replacements and mid-span poles installed or 75 percent of the total amount incurred or paid by the applicant for eligible pole replacement and/or mid-span installation costs, whichever is lesser; or (ii) no more than $30,000 per mile for undergrounding costs.

4. The department shall award funds based on the order it receives eligible applications."

Page 105, line 37, strike "U" and insert "V".


(This amendment provides $60 million GF each year for the Broadband Resiliency Initiative and establishes an application process for broadband service providers to seek reimbursement for costs associated with utility pole replacements, mid-span pole installations, and undergrounding.)