2024 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Member Request)

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Chief Patron: Boysko
Reallocation of VATI Funding for Make Ready Work

Item 103 #13s

Item 103 #13s

First Year - FY2025 Second Year - FY2026
Commerce and Trade
Department of Housing and Community Development FY2025 $29,725,000 FY2026 $49,725,000 GF

Page 99, line 40, strike "$127,802,325" and insert "$157,527,325".
Page 99, line 40, strike "$78,802,325" and insert "$128,527,325".

Page 101, line 42, strike "$20,000,000" and insert "$49,725,000".

Page 101, line 42, after "year" insert "and $49,725,000 the second year".

Page 102, after line 41, insert:

"7. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the department shall develop and implement guidance for the use of Virginia Telecommunications Initiative (VATI) funding for "make ready" costs, including pole replacements, in areas served by not-for-profit public utilities.  Funding under this provision shall only be awarded to a unit of government, including, but not limited to, economic development and industrial development authorities, planning district commissions, and school divisions, that previously received VATI funding with a private sector internet provider as co-awardee.  The funding may be used to supplement previously awarded projects.  Nothing shall preclude the unit of government from requiring additional investment from the private sector project partner prior to making any award from the fund at the appropriate level determined by the unit of government."


(This amendment restores $29.7 million GF the first year and $49.7 million GF the second year to the Virginia Telecommunications Initiative. Language is added to allow the funding to be used for make-ready costs, including pole replacements in defined circumstances.)