2024 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Member Request)

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Chief Patron: Thomas
Rebate for Low-Income Housing Projects

Item 102 #14h

Item 102 #14h

First Year - FY2025 Second Year - FY2026
Commerce and Trade
Department of Housing and Community Development FY2025 $15,000,000 FY2026 $0 GF

Page 97, line 38, strike "$297,250,885" and insert "$312,250,885".

Page 99, after line 39, insert:

"M.1. Out of this appropriation, $15,000,000 the first year from general fund is provided is to create the low income housing real estate tax rebate program to offset costs associated with higher real estate tax assessments.

2. A "qualifying project" shall be defined as: any real estate construction project that a) consists of a multi-family housing structure of 50 units or more, and b) has an active application for Low Income Housing Tax Credit financing, or Housing Opportunity Tax Credit financing.

3. "Rebate" shall be defined as 50 percent of the increased real estate assessment value after locality approval of the project. "Full tax rebate" shall mean the full amount of the increase in real estate assessment from the prior tax year. The applicant shall have the right to apply for qualifying project status after obtaining the affordable housing rezoning approval.

4. The department shall provide a qualifying project applicant with an approval letter once the locality reassesses the real estate tax value of the property for the qualifying project and after the applicant pays any associated real estate taxes, the applicant may submit the approval letter to the department who will then issue the Rebate to the locality, which shall then issue the Full Tax Rebate to the applicant.  

5. The Rebate shall apply to new construction and rehabilitation affordable housing projects.

6. All rebates and full tax rebates issued under this paragraph shall not exceeds $3,000,000 in any one fiscal year, and applications shall be awarded on a first come first serve basis.

7. The rebates and full tax rebates issued under this paragraph shall be available for no more than five years.  

8. The amounts provided in this paragraph shall be carried forward into the next fiscal year and shall not revert to the general fund."


(This amendment creates a new low income housing tax rebate program to offset costs associated with higher real estate tax assessments as the result of multi-family affordable housing construction projects.)