2024 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Member Request)

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Chief Patron: McQuinn
HB 1066: Commission to Study the History of the Uprooting of Black Communities by Public Institutions of Higher Education

Item 1 #10h

Item 1 #10h

First Year - FY2025 Second Year - FY2026
Legislative Department
General Assembly of Virginia FY2025 $150,000 FY2026 $150,000 GF

Page 3, line 5, strike "$64,422,081" and insert "$64,572,081".
Page 3, line 5, strike "$64,422,081" and insert "$64,572,081".


(This amendment provides $150,000 each year from the general fund pursuant to House Bill 1066 which establishes a legislative Commission to Study the History of the Uprooting of Black Communities by Public Institutions of Higher Education. The Commission would study and determine (i) whether any public institution of higher education in the Commonwealth has purchased, expropriated, or otherwise taken possession of property owned by any individual within the boundaries of a community in which a majority of the residents are Black in order to establish or expand the institution's campus and (ii) whether and what form of compensation or relief would be appropriate for any such individual or any of his lineal descendants. This amendment is a placeholder until a fiscal impact statement for the bill is produced.)