2024 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Floor Approved)

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DGS - Commonwealth Courts Building (language only)

Item C-2 #1s

Item C-2 #1s

Department of General Services


Page 543, strike lines 3 through 10.

Page 543, after line 2, insert:

"The capital project titled "New Construction/Renovation: Commonwealth Courts Building" (18537), originally authorized in Item C-1.30, Chapter 552, 2021 Acts of Assembly, Special Session I and amended by Item C-2, Chapter 1, 2023 Acts of Assembly, Special Session I, is hereby amended to include, in the scope of the project, the demolition of both East and West Towers. The Department of General Services shall proceed with appropriated funds for planning. The Chief Justice and Associate Justices of the Supreme Court of Virginia, the Chief Judge and Associate Judges of the Court of Appeals of Virginia, and the Executive Secretary of the Supreme Court, in consultation with the Director of the Department of General Services, shall reconsider the size of the Commonwealth Courts Building project and develop a plan to meet the future space needs of both courts. The plan and necessary scope changes shall be reviewed and approved by the Six-Year Capital Outlay Plan Advisory Committee."


(This amendment authorizes a scope change to the new Commonwealth Courts Building to include the demolition of both the east and west towers of the Pocahontas Building. It further directs the Courts and DGS to develop a plan for the needed space to accommodate the courts today and in the future. The plan and necessary scope changes will be reviewed and approved by the Six-Year Capital Outlay Plan Advisory Committee.)