2024 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Floor Approved)

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Adjust Background Check Positions

Item 415 #2s

Item 415 #2s

First Year - FY2025 Second Year - FY2026
Public Safety and Homeland Security
Department of State Police FY2025 ($118,146) FY2026 ($188,419) GF
FY2025 -2.00 FY2026 -2.00 FTE

Page 467, line 11, strike "$117,760,285" and insert "$117,642,139".
Page 467, line 11, strike "$115,794,644" and insert "$115,606,225".


(This amendment removes $118,146 GF the first year and $188,419 GF the second year and two positions to align funding for criminal background check personnel with legislation adopted by the Senate. The remaining increase of $188,287 GF the first year and $177,373 GF the second year and two positions is estimated to be sufficient for the fiscal impact of Senate Bill 448 related to additional background checks for license applicants.)