2024 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Floor Approved)

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Telecommunications Services (language only)

Item 4-5.04 #3s

Item 4-5.04 #3s

Special Conditions and Restrictions on Expenditures
Goods and Services


Page 610, strike lines 28 through 44, and insert:


1. The Chief Information Officer and the State Comptroller shall develop statewide requirements for the use of cellular telephones and other telecommunication devices by in-scope Executive Department agencies, addressing the assignment, evaluation of need, safeguarding, monitoring, and usage of these telecommunication devices. The requirements shall include an acceptable use agreement template clearly defining an employee's responsibility when they receive and use a telecommunication device. Statewide requirements shall require some form of identification on a device in case it is lost or stolen and procedures to wipe the device clean of all sensitive information when it is no longer in use.

2. In-scope Executive Department agencies providing employees with telecommunication devices shall develop agency-specific policies, incorporating the guidance provided in § 4-5.04 k. 1. of this act and shall maintain a cost justification for the assignment or a public health, welfare and safety need.

3. The Chief Information Officer shall determine the optimal number of telecommunication vendors and plans necessary to meet the needs of in-scope Executive Department agency personnel. The Chief Information Officer shall regularly procure these services and provide statewide contracts for use by all such agencies. These contracts shall require the vendors to provide detailed usage information in a useable electronic format to enable the in-scope agencies to properly monitor usage to make informed purchasing decisions and minimize costs.

4. The Chief Information Officer shall examine the feasibility of providing tools for in-scope Executive Department agencies to analyze usage and cost data to assist in determining the most cost effective plan combinations for the entity as a whole and individual users."


(This amendment modifies the provisions related to state telecommunications services and devices to maintain the past practice of applying the requirements to in-scope agencies.)