2024 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Floor Approved)

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View Budget Item amendments

Virginia Military Survivors and Dependents Program (language only)

Item 4-5.01 #1s

Item 4-5.01 #1s

Special Conditions and Restrictions on Expenditures
Transactions with Individuals


Page 604, after line 12, insert:

"7. Virginia Military Survivors and Dependents Education Program

a. Notwithstanding 23.1-608 B. and 23.1-608 C., the Virginia Military Survivors and Dependents Education Program is established for the purpose of waiving undergraduate tuition and mandatory E&G fees for qualified survivors and dependents who have been admitted to such institution.

b. A student receiving an award must: (i) be duly admitted and enrolled in an undergraduate degree or certificate program at the institution making the award; (ii) have submitted complete applications for federal and state financial aid programs; (iii) shall be making satisfactory academic progress as defined by the institution for the purposes of eligibility under Title IV of the federal Higher Education Act, as amended; (iv) be between the ages of 16 and 26, inclusive, as of the first day of the term in which assistance under this program is received; and (v) be domiciled pursuant to § 23.1-502 or the biological, step-, or adoptive veteran parent was domiciled when deceased. For purposes of this section, a child who is a stepchild of a deceased military service member described in this section shall receive all benefits described in this section as a child of such military service member if the military service member claimed the stepchild on their tax return or on his Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System while serving on active duty.

c. Students are eligible to receive a waiver for a certificate or associate degree at a public two-year institution and certificate or first bachelor's degree at a public four-year institution of higher education. Eligibility is restricted to a combined total of no more than four years or its equivalent.

d. Waivers granted for this program shall cover the last-dollar cost of the institution's tuition and mandatory E&G fees, as described under 7a, after: (i) applying all financial assistance restricted to covering tuition; (ii) applying all other state grants or scholarships; and (iii) applying all other federal aid grants or scholarships. The remaining balance, if any, shall be waived under this program.

e. Existing students eligible for the Program as of 2023-2024 shall remain eligible to receive funds based on the criteria set forth in 23.1-608 for as long as the student maintains enrollment in each successive fiscal year, unless granted an exception for cause by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia, until current degree or certificate completion requirements have been met or the student has received a combined total of four years of assistance.

f. The State Council of Higher Education for Virginia shall issue guidelines aligned with existing practices of other state financial aid programs by August 1, 2024."


(This amendment provides changes to the Virginia Military Survivors and Dependents Program to define program eligibility to undergraduate programs, align the age limits of the federal GI bill, individuals domiciled in Virginia, limit waivers to tuition and E&G mandatory fees, provide a hold harmless for existing students, and charge SCHEV with developing program guidelines.)